What is a Merchant Cash Advance (MCA)?

A Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) is a type of financing option that provides businesses with a lump sum of capital in exchange for a percentage of future sales or receivables. Unlike traditional loans, MCAs are not based on fixed monthly payments. Instead, repayment is made through a percentage of daily credit card sales or other revenue streams, making it a flexible solution for businesses with fluctuating income.

Benefits of Merchant Cash Advances
Quick Access to Capital

MCAs offer rapid access to funds, often within a few days of application. This is particularly beneficial for businesses needing immediate capital to manage cash flow, purchase inventory, or cover unexpected expenses.

Flexible Repayment Terms

Repayment of an MCA is tied to the business’s sales. This means that during slower periods, the repayment amount is lower, and during busier times, more is paid back. This flexibility helps businesses manage their cash flow more effectively.

Minimal Documentation

Applying for an MCA involves less paperwork compared to traditional loans. The approval process is faster and less stringent, focusing primarily on the business’s sales performance rather than its credit history.

No Collateral Required

MCAs are unsecured advances, meaning no collateral is required. This reduces the risk for business owners who might not have assets to pledge as security.

High Approval Rates

Merchant Cash Advances have higher approval rates compared to conventional loans. Businesses with poor credit scores or limited operating history can still qualify, provided they have a consistent revenue stream.

Qualifications for a Merchant Cash Advance
Steady Revenue Stream

To qualify for an MCA, businesses need to demonstrate a steady flow of revenue, typically through credit card sales or other receivables. Lenders will review recent sales history to assess the business’s ability to repay the advance.

Business Longevity

While MCAs are accessible to newer businesses, those with a longer operating history may have a better chance of approval and more favorable terms. Lenders generally prefer businesses that have been operational for at least six months to a year.

Daily Credit Card Transactions

Businesses with frequent and consistent credit card transactions are ideal candidates for MCAs. Lenders prefer businesses with regular credit card sales as it provides a clear picture of the revenue stream used for repayment.

Financial Statements

Providing recent bank statements, credit card processing statements, and other financial documents is essential. These documents help lenders evaluate the business’s cash flow and sales performance.

Personal Credit Score

While not the primary factor, the business owner’s personal credit score may be considered during the application process. A higher credit score can improve the chances of approval and lead to better terms.

No Existing Liens

Lenders typically prefer businesses without existing liens on their receivables. Any outstanding obligations might impact the ability to secure an MCA.